Getting Help

You no longer can say, “there is no answer”.

Give & Take Needs Pantry

Loaves & fish

John 6:9: “There is a lad see who has five barely loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”

The Loaves & Fish Pantry is a dedicated ministry focused on addressing the physical food and daily life needs of our local community off-base, as well as on.

Donations can be dropped off or picked up during any of our ministry events. Any extra food or items received will be redirected to support local orphanages.

Please note that we DO NOT accept baby items, as there are currently many agencies supplying an overabundance of baby needs. 

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Biblical Counseling

About Biblical Counciling

Our Biblical Counseling as well as Mentorship program is designed to guide individuals toward the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, our Rock through His Word, the Bible (Matthew 7:24-29).

We aim to steer clear of legalism, where the focus is on rules rather than a genuine relationship with God. As Galatians 2:16 reminds us, our justification cannot be earned through works; it is a gift from Christ alone.

Our commitment is to lead counselees to the essential relationship with Jesus Christ, our loving hope (1 Peter 1:3).

In our counseling sessions, we maintain that grace and truth are crucial elements, creating a safe space for honest exploration of spiritual growth (John 1:14). We believe that true maturity comes through Scripture, as emphasized in Hebrews 4:12; 5:12-6:3

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our chaplains, pastors, ministress’s, counselor’s, or other staff

We DO NOT Act In The Capacity Of Medical Doctor, Legal Staff, Nor Humanistic Psychologists.

We solely guide with Biblical truths giving foundations to your research and decision making process into these and other issues of life.

Our role is as a Biblical assistant to guide to God for help, not as an overseer to be the main doctor directly- we help you in a referral to God and others for those things to make sure your needs are covered the best way our local community legally and medically can. 

As long as we do not have multiple opposing counselor conflict, we can walk with you through the processes and help with these issues, but in the focus of Biblical Spiritual care.

Through Galatians 6:2, we “bear one another burden’s” instead of James 4:17 knowing what is right to do and not doing it. For James 2:17 states that faith without works is dead. James 2:16 states we cannot give words alone for needs, but must help connect to physical helps. So know, you will not be ignored.

The Word of God is the ultimate source of truth and guidance, equipping us for every good work to battle through life issues (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

A we deepen our understanding of Scripture, we grow closer to God and enable others to do the same. Our highest priority is to help individuals reorient their lives around the Savior, celebrating and rejoicing in His truth.

Our approach incorporates Biblical models that guide individuals in putting off old ways, experiencing renewal, and adopting practices that align with God’s will (Ephesians 4:22-24). We also recognize the importance of physical well-being as a precursor to effective counseling as illustrated in 1 Kings 19:4-8. There are a great many more approaches the Bible teaches.

We affirm that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, victory over sin, and resurrection offers the hope our counselees desperately need. Romans 6:6-7 assures us that we are no longer slaves to sin. The transformative power of the Holy Spirit enables believers to lead lives characterized by joy and peace (Romans 8:6).

As new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), we encourage individuals to cast their cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:7).

Our counseling methods are founded on Biblical principles rather that secular philosophies. We believe that all life issues have a spiritual component, and we address these core issues through the lens of Scripture (Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 15:18).

We wholeheartedly support the spiritual authority of the Church and encourage our counselees to actively engage with their local Church bodies (Hebrews 10:25).

NOTE: This IS NOT a compete confidentiality counseling. We have laws of reporting we must abide, as well as at times need to work within our staff on individual’s casework for best responses. But we do limit the working with others with your counseling caseload. Certain major issues when confessed may require notification of other’s involved or authority figures. But we will work with you through the issues hand in hand. You are not alone. 

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