Welcome To Misawa’s Christian Community
At Misawa, we strive for every Christian to feel seen and to find a lasting community rooted in faith.
Jesus is not just part of our story; He is our only story-the narrative that defines us.
As Colossians 1:18 reminds us, “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent.”
In our hearts and in all our endeavors, Jesus reigns supreme. He stands unrivaled in history and extends His influence beyond eternity.
Therefore this makes our mission transcend merely gathering people at a Church building. Our deepest desire is for individuals to encounter Jesus personally. We confidently declare that we are “Jesus’ Church”, and we seek no other identity.

The Blue Letter Bible
The Blue Letter Bible hosts a range of study materials designed to aid your research into the meaning and purpose of the Scriptures.

Hospitality House
The Hospitality House is a VLG Ministry for serving the military base as well as the local community of Misawa

Assurance of Salvation
Salvation isn’t about being a “good person”; it’s about your relationship with God.

Are You Truly A Good Person?
Consider your eternal future: Heaven or Hell? Take the Pretest Now.